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Calyx Pointers and other Tech Tips

PointCentral vs. Point “Classic”

All users of Calyx Point or PointCentral will see the Point client software we call “Point”, and all will use templates, reports, and data folders. In plain English, the Point client is the program we all lovingly call “Point” and that we do our originating and processing within. PointCentral adds on a back end server providing additional security, and the ability to use Business Rules. It is not immediately visible to the user that they are in PointCentral vs Point “Classic.” When logged in to the system, the easiest way to tell is to look at the data folder list on the left hand side of your screen. If a folder name says something like “Active Origination (PDS)” then you are in PointCentral. If it doesn’t have the (PDS) at the end, then you are in Point “Classic” (not the official name but commonly used to describe Point without the backend Point Data Server that is a part of PointCentral). (The Business Rules are the feature that distinguish PointCentral and provide a layer of security, and Compliance, not possible with Point “Classic.” Business rules are the defining feature of PointCentral, and are of incalculable value to any mortgage software user, regardless of company size...)



Calyx Point® Keyboard Shortcuts

Key Action

Activating Keys

Hot Keys used to replace use of mouse

Movement Keys

Scrolling Keys


Managing your Workflow and Compliance activity in PointCentral with the Correct Use of
The Built-In Report Generator

1. The Calyx Built In Reports

Several dozen reports are built in to Point and PointCentral. They cover various parts of the mortgage transaction, and in general are at least modestly effective with some minor variations. The key deficiencies in the report generator have to do with a lack of reports for the NMLS Call Report and HMDA (both supported through mid-2014 then discontinued).

2. Reports That Enhance and Streamline the Origination and Processing of Loans

The single most important requirement of any Point user is to run a Pipeline Report. This report is largely completed for you with the built-in Loan Summary report with the addition of Current Status. Subtle modification of the existing report can usually provide the information needed for your Pipeline, with only moderate skill required to modify these reports (see section 6 below). I have included a Pipeline Report in my courtesy template set.


Managing PointCentral or Point “Classic” with the Correct Use of Templates

PointCentral and Point “Classic” use all five of the following template types for best use of the Product


The First Two Templates are what we call Sub Templates and may be invoked while in a file…


1. Loan Programs A Loan Program template describes the basic loan type and the amortization period. It also defaults the “NA” for lock period to indicate an unlocked loan when disclosing with TRID. It also allows for default of the Loan Origination Fee Percentage (but not a dollar amount…). In general, you should default whatever percentage that you generally use, and change it for the exceptions (Leave a 1 percent as a default if that is your normal business practice, and leave it blank if you normally do not charge a Loan Origination Fee percentage).



Dealing With TRID in Calyx Point®

TRID – TILA RESPA Integrated Disclosures


Customers of Calyx Point and PointCentral were treated to a variety of new updates and Service Packs in September and October 2015 as the company tried to achieve full functionality with the software and meet TRID deadlines, with mixed success. As an old Point user, I make the following recommendations and observations:


ï‚· There have now been 6 Service Packs to version 9.2, with a 7th planned for late this week. I would expect to see up to 10 service packs during the product life of version 9.2, perhaps out to the end of the year.


ï‚· Under no circumstances should you install any Calyx Service Pack without waiting a full 72 hours to make sure there are no last minute “retractions”, unless you like paying IT people to do updates to your system.

Using the most important single tool in the program, the Conversation Log (aka ConLog)

The Missing Tool That Enhances Productivity


Most of my customers who do not use the ConLog claim that it is because they cannot find it. A simple business rule I always employ requires the user to enter the method of obtaining permission to run Credit prior to their entering the Service Menu to order Credit. This ensures that every Originator quickly learns to use it, and where it is located in the program.

1. The Major Use of the ConLog

There is one major overwhelming reason to use the ConLog, and that is to CYA on any key discussions that you have with your Clients. Hard as it is to believe, there are actually individuals who do not remember that they told you “Not to Lock” because they are going to wait for better rates. When things go in the tank, some of them will call in hoping that you forgot that and instead insist you had locked up front. And you can see more of this behavior as rates start to go up, which they probably will do in 2017.

2. Another Reason to Use the ConLog

In any efficient mortgage enterprise, there is a need for routine communication between the Origination, Processing, and Management staffs. The ConLog is an easy to use tool that guarantees that the first thing any user does when they open a file is to hit Ctrl-L on the keyboard and review the ConLog. This ensures that any prior activity on the file that is not obvious may be noted there. As a perfect example of how this makes you more efficient: When an Originator changes loan

status to Sent to Processing, the Processor uses the Pipeline View first thing in the morning to check for files that have been changed to this Status. If the Processor feels the file is not ready, they note their reasons in the ConLog and move the Status back to Application. The Originator will note their file is not in the Processing folder if they go looking for it, and then will know to read the ConLog.

Managing your Workflow and Compliance activity in PointCentral with the Correct Use of Business Rules

Rules with PointCentral vs. Point “Classic”


The Business Rules are the feature that distinguish PointCentral and provide a layer of security, and Compliance, not possible with Point “Classic.”

Business rules are the defining feature of PointCentral, and are of incalculable value to any mortgage software user, regardless of company size...) They are of particular value for helping to catch major Disclosure triggers such as when a file requires Disclosure. They are not available unless you have PointCentral.

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